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Calling all Disco Queens and Stone Cold Foxes!
It’s time to party.
The Wesley Gala is almost here and it promises to be dy-no-mite! Put on your platform shoes, satin pants, and bellbottoms and hustle on down to Hollywood Post 43 on Saturday, March 10, 2018 where we invite you to experience the legendary Studio 54 - Wesley Style.
Prepare for some Saturday Night Fever while we raise money to support The Wesley School. Spend an evening dancing, eating, and Jive Talkin’ with your Wesley friends! Most importantly, as we Play That Funky Music, bid on some of the grooviest auction items this side of The Hustle. Your generous contributions will directly benefit our amazing students, programs, and teachers at Wesley. This year, we aim to remodel our aging Social Hall and add a quality light and sound system to support our growing performing arts program.
We need your support!
Each year, enthusiastic volunteers create a fun-filled, profitable evening. There are many ways for you to participate in making our Gala a success, and we hope you will embrace them all.
1. Contribute items to the auction and ask for contributions from friends and businesses (Auction Donation Form & Business Solicitation Letter). See our FAQ sheet here for inspiration.
2. Underwrite the costs of the event by sponsoring or asking businesses you support to become sponsors. See our sponsorship info here. And make your sponsorship here!
3. Follow our event on Facebook
4. Participate in your grade’s “Class Basket.”
5. We also encourage you to volunteer, before or during the Event. It’s a great way to contribute to our community and meet fellow parents. Please feel free to contact us at or to discuss ways you can become involved. Many thanks in advance for your generous support and creative donations.
6. Review the auction catalog online before the event (coming soon!) so you can be prepared to shop at the Gala.
7. Come party with us!
Now is the time for everyone to pitch in.
We rely on our families to solicit donations for the Silent and Live Auctions and hope that every family will participate. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Invitations will be sent out after the new year, but please mark your calendars now and invite all your fun-loving friends. Many thanks in advance for your generous support and creative donations.
Beth Fulton and Jill Whelan
Your Gala Co-Chairs